Pravila tekmovanja mešanih parov 2014:
- žrebanje*
- tekmovanje poteka na izpadanje – po dva para med seboj tekmujeta, tako da se najprej po naletu spustita dekleti (po zaporednih štartnih številkah), potem pa še fanta (po zaporednih štartnih številkah); boljši par se uvrsti v drugo serijo; v kolikor sta para rezultatsko izenačena, gre v naslednjo serijo par z nižjo štartno številko
- dolžina obeh skokov se za par sešteva v posamezni seriji, osvojene točke se iz serije v serijo ne prenašajo
- točkovanje: 1 m = 1 točka; sodniških ocen ne bo, odbitki se računajo tako, da se za padec odšteje 10 točk, za podrs pa 5 točk (sodnik bo glavni trener B reprezentance: Igor Medved)
- mali finale: poražena para iz tretje serije se bosta potegovala za 3. mesto
- finale: zmagovalna para iz tretje serije se bosta potegovala za 1. mesto
*ŽREBANJE MEŠANIH PAROV – v petek, 6.6.2014 ob 18:00 na Kartodromu Brničičeva v Ljubljani
Tekmovalci bodo vozili na stezi 8 minut. Najhitrejši krog posameznika se šteje za žreb. Če bo več tekmovalcev (oz. tekmovalk) imelo enak čas, bo organizator med njimi žrebal. Tekmovalcem (tekmovalkam), ki se vožnje ne bodo udeležili, jim bo organizator določil pare z žrebom.
Competition rules for the Mixed Team ski jumping event 2014:
- the draw*
- the competition is formatted in an elimination system – two mixed teams compete against each other, with girls (with consecutive start numbers) being the first to go down the in-run followed by boys (with consecutive start numbers); the winning team qualifies for the second round; should the two teams share the same result, it is the team with the lower start number to advance to the next round.
- the distances of both jumps made by the mixed team are added together per individual round, the score is not carried forward to the following rounds.
- the scoring system: 1 m = 1 point; there shall be no judges’ marks; in the event of a fall 10 points shall be deducted, while touching the ground with the hand or the posterior of the body shall result in a deduction of 5 points. Mr. Igor Medved, the Slovenian B Team coach, shall act as the judge of the competition.
- “small” final: the two defeated teams from the third round shall compete for the 3rd place
- the final: the two winning teams of round three shall compete for the 1st place.
*THE MIXED TEAM DRAW – on Friday, 6 June2014 at 18.00 at the Kartodrom Brničičeva karting centre in Ljubljana
The competitors shall be given 8 minutes of track time. An individual’s fastest lap shall be considered for the draw. Should several competitors achieve the same time, the organizer shall carry out a draw from among them. Any competitors not wishing to participate in the race will be assigned a pair on the basis of a draw.